
how healing works at earthsoulsky.

At the root of everything, lays energy.

When a situation occurs, whether it be a physical trauma (car accident, falling off a ladder, sporting injury) or an emotional / psychological trauma (neglect, emotional abuse, rejection, bullying, assault etc) an energetic residual is retained within the body; almost like a subconscious memory of that particular moment in time which gets stored into our body’s cellular memory. This is commonly known as a ‘pain body’. Eckhart Tolle and many other mental health professionals from the Body Psychotherapy field have discussed this theory which is widely referred to and commonly worked with today.

The pain body lays dormant within us until a similar situation occurs that can trigger it, which then begins to activate the trauma that the pain body has stored. People refer to its activation as symptoms of anxiety, fear, guilt, shame and so forth. This is the re-awakening of a pain body; a situation that hasn’t been previously treated or released, which has now surfaced because a mirror-like situation has activated it.

What many people may notice or usually say is, “I don’t know why I am like this, I don’t even realise it is happening” or “This keeps repeating in my life yet I don’t know how to stop it” or “I always feel a certain way when this comes up yet I don’t know how to move past it”.

These are some of the common phrases I get when people see me for a Healing Session. The trauma may be conscious (you are aware of it what is causing the traumatic response) or unconscious (you aren’t aware of what is causing the traumatic response).

It is important to note that knowing or not knowing where the trauma stems from is not the key focus here - it is healing the root of the trauma, consciously or unconsciously. Knowing we are afraid of heights won’t heal a fear of heights - it will only create awareness around it, which can help but the fear is still present and thus you still avoid heights. This goes for any trauma.

This is where energy work is different.

We needn’t delve into the past and relive unpleasant or traumatic events. Energy healing occurs in a subtle and non-invasive manner.

Clients have usually expressed once they’ve partaken in a few consistent Healing Sessions, what had previously troubled them seemed to dissipate and they would find after a problematic situation had passed, that they had not reacted to it - they were able to handle themselves in a balanced, centred manor. It was evident that the healing had assisted them - the proof was how they felt and how much of a change they had experienced in something that had previously troubled them.

As we know, energy responds to similar energy. When a pain body has been healed and released through therapy its energetic charge dissolves and what clients had begun to experience was that the situations that had previously troubled them, no longer caused an emotional reaction. My clients noticed that they no longer drew in the same painful situations as the initial cause had been healed and released; thus life had shifted and drastically improved for them.

When these ‘pain bodies’ are further left untreated and remain in the body, their energetic charge needs to be utilised and if not released through therapy and dealt with correctly, can eventually manifest as a physical issue or illness in the body. Energy is in constant motion - it needs to move inward or outward. When it remains stagnant and is not given an outlet, it can move further into the body and this is where physical illnesses can occur. Examples are everything the human race experiences today from subtle pains, acute and chronic illnesses, broken bones, phantom pains etc.

The Crystalline Vibrational Mineral Therapy I work with enables a shift through the 7 auric layers of the body, working on an energetic, psychological, emotional and physical level. This amplifies a person’s healing potential. These remedies are the foundation to my sessions as what they offer in terms of deep healing is second to none.

I have witnessed some incredible transformations and growth utilising these modalities, not only amongst many clients but also within my own life as well.

The changes and enhanced quality of life to each individual have been truly remarkable to see and I only hope to extend this more to everyone else.

In my eyes and in my personal belief,
no one is ever too far gone. 

If you are open to bettering yourself, if you are willing to commit to one session per month over the course of 3 to 4 months - your willingness and open mind is 50 per cent of the work done.

Why? Because you’re placing confidence and trust back into yourself which opens up a healing pathway within you by simply giving yourself a chance for change. We must remember, it isn’t in the volume of what we do, but rather in its quality and potency.

This work is for those who are truly ready.

Welcome to a special place.
Welcome to Earthsoulsky.